Friday, 25 December 2009
Holiday Greetings!
But without you all who continue to follow us and support us in our endeavours, this might not have been possible. We, blackbelts and instructors, thank you all from the depths of our hearts and hope that we may continue the success we've had the last two years and carry this on for years to come.
Thank you all. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Daryl Vincent Perez
KDA 3rd dan, ISKF 2nd dan
Examination Results 19th Dec 2009
WHITE (10th kyu) TO YELLOW (9th kyu)
Faye Nugent
Joshua Vergara
Gary Gabayno
Jhay Sagala
Bernard Barrios
Decemae Yangkin
YELLOW (9th kyu) TO ORANGE (8th kyu)
Luke Barrios
Melvin Manumbre
Gavin Patulot
Aldous Batac
Bon Cepida
Edchel Natividad
Edrae Natividad
Demi Everitt
Rahman Sahib
Shane Nugent
Dustin Cueto
Camran Akhtar
Katie Hanlon
Simran Calsi
ORANGE (8th kyu) TO GREEN (7th kyu)
Alexis Corpuz
Gedfrey Gabayno
Gian Gabayno
Joshua Recido
Ma. Reline Otadoy
GREEN (7th kyu) TO BLUE (6th kyu)
Kenneth Christopher de Leon
Jhon Monsanto
BLUE (6th kyu) TO PURPLE 5 (5th kyu)
Darcie Raftery
Liem Doan
PURPLE 5 (5th kyu) TO PURPLE 4 (4th kyu)
Augustus Sumilang
Valerie Lyncelle Sumilang
Khamis del Rosario
Sean Locquiao
BROWN 2 (2nd kyu) TO BROWN 1 (1st kyu)
Philippe Anthon Perez
Congratulations to all of you and well done!
Monday, 7 December 2009
Final Class and Examination for 2009
On the same day we will be holding the last examination for the year. Only students that have been cleared by their respective instructors are allowed to take part in this. Make sure to practice all your lessons and review everything needed for your exam to avoid disappointment.
After the exams there will be a small event open to all KDA students and their families. Details are available from your instructors.
We will also announce when we will be resuming practice come January so be sure to take note of this.
We wish you all good luck and hope to see you on the 19th!
No adult class this Friday
However, those students taking the classes are welcome to attend the regular class held on Saturday morning from 9am to 11am. This way you do not lose a week's worth of training by missing the class.
Also, we are still accepting students for the Adult Class! The Adult Class involves the standard KDA curriculum and also some basic self defence for your own protection. Please refer to the previous post on the details about the class.
Thank you.
Friday, 27 November 2009
Adult Classes
Those who are interested feel free to join us.
Plain White T-Shirt
Track suit bottoms
Flat trainers
Karate gi
See you all then!
Monday, 23 November 2009
Congratulations to Sensei Harvey!
We'd also like to greet him a Happy Birthday!
Congratulations and well done!
Monday, 16 November 2009
Open English Kata Championships Results
We would like to thank everyone who came to support us and our students especially the parents that go out of their way to bring their children to the competitions like these with us.
Here are the results.
Category 1 (Beginners 6-8 years old)
Second Place - Aldous Batac
Category 2 (Beginners up to 8th kyu, 8-10 years old)
First Place - Gian Gabayno
Third Place - Shane Nugent
Category 3 (7th kyu to 4th kyu, 8-10 years old)
First Place - Khamis del Rosario
Second Place - Kenneth Christopher de Leon
Third Place - Jhon Monsanto
Category 5 (Beginners to 8th kyu, 10-12 years old)
First Place - Aycee Corpuz
Category 7 (3rd kyu and above, 10-12 years old)
First Place - Philippe Anthon Perez
Category 8 (Beginners to 8th kyu, 12-14 years old)
Second Place - Gedfree Gabayno
Third Place - Rahman Sahib
Category 14 (Beginners to 8th kyu, 16-18 years old)
First Place - Katie Hanlon
Category 20 (Beginners to 4th kyu, Over 35 years old)
First Place - Roger de Leon
Category 22 (Team Kata, under 10 years old)
First Place - Khamis del Rosario & Lily Sumilang
Third Place - Kenneth Christopher de Leon & Jhon Monsanto
Category 26 (Adult & Child Kata, any grade)
Second Place - Mary Tricia Perez & Philippe Anthon Perez
Congratulations and well done to all of you.
We will upload photos of the tournament soon so watch out of the next update.
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Are you ready?
We know that you've trained hard and practiced diligently these last few months so it's now time to test out your skills with some of the best in the country. Remember, it's never about winning medals or awards, it's always been about learning from the people that you're going to meet to see how you can better yourself.
Our last training day will be later on today at the same place and time. So make sure you come to make sure you are ready and all set for the upcoming tournament.
See you all later!
Monday, 19 October 2009
Reminder: Advanced Training Classes and Selection
Please take this oppurtunity to further improve your skills and knowledge of karate and to get to know your fellow students from the different clubs. Training will be supervised by all KDA instructors to ensure you are all attended to at all times.
Lastly as announced in our different classes, 8 students who show outstanding performance and dedication to training will be given a chance to participate in Federation of English Karate Organisation's (FEKO) national squad training.
We hope to see you all then!
Exam Results - 18 October 2009
White (10th kyu) to Yellow (9th kyu)
Rex Otadoy
Imran Akhtar
Henry del Rosario
Shah Sahib Rahman
Congratulations to all of you and continue practicing!
Friday, 25 September 2009
UK Open Karate Championships Results
Here are the results.
Peewee Kata Boys and Girls (9 yrs old and under, any grade)
1. Kenneth Christopher de Leon - 3rd
Junior Kata Boys and Girls (10-12 yrs old, 6th kyu and under)
1. Darcie Raftery - 1st
2. Aycee Corpuz - 2nd
3. Dustin Cueto - 3rd
Junior Kata Boys and Girls (13-15 yrs, 6th kyu and under)
1. Ma. Reline Otadoy - 1st
2. Brylle Siapno - 2nd
Junior Team Kata Mixed (10 yrs and under, any grade)
1. Team B (Edchel Natividad, Gian Gabayno, Aldous Batac) - 2nd
2. Team C (Bon Cepida, Gavin Patulot, Joshua Recido) - 3rd
Junior Team Kata Mixed (11-15 yrs old, any grade)
1, Team A (Anthon Perez, Darcie Raftery, Aldrich Miguel) - 1st
2. Team B (Gustus Sumilang, Liem Doan, Khamis del Rosario) - 2nd
3. Team C (Ma. Reline Otadoy, Aycee Corpuz, Jayzee Garcia) - 3rd
Peewee Boys and Girls (under 4'3", 9 yrs old and under, any grade)
1. Aldous Batac - 2nd
2. Kenneth Christopher de Leon - 3rd
Peewee Boys and Girls (4'3" and over, 9 yrs old and under, any grade)
1. Gian Gabayno - 3rd
Boys (under 5'0", 10-12 yrs old, 5th kyu and below)
1. Gustus Sumilang - 2nd
Girls (13-15 yrs old, 5th kyu and below)
1. Ma. Reline Otadoy - 3rd
2. Demi Everitt - 3rd
Peewee Girls TEAM (under 9 yrs old, any grade/height)
1. Team A (Lily Sumilang, Marian Baya) - 2nd
Peewee Boys TEAM (under 9 yrs old, any grade/height)
1. Team B (Aldous Batac, Bon Cepida, Joshua Recido) - 2nd
Boys TEAM (10-12 yrs old, any grade/height)
1. Team A (Anthon Perez, Dustin Cueto, Aldrich Miguel) - 3rd
Boys TEAM (13-15 yrs old, and grade/height)
1. Team A (Gedfree Gabayno, Rahman Sahib, Brylle Siapno) - 3rd
All of our coaching staff would like to thank you for all the hardwork that you've placed into preparing for this tournament. A job well done and keep up the great work!
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Examination Results - August 2 and 9
Blue (6th kyu) to Purple 5 (5th kyu)
1. Roger de Leon
Yellow (9th kyu) to Orange (8th kyu)
1. Gedfree Gabayno
2. Gian Gabayno
3. Jayzee Garcia
4. Joshua Recido
5. Maria Reline Otadoy
6. Aycee Corpuz
White (10th kyu) to Yellow (9th kyu)
1. Katie Hanlon
2. Christian Garcia
3. Louie Quinery
4. Sidney Quinery
5. Shane Nugent
6. Dustin Cueto
7. Akaash Delisha
8. Arsh Delisha
Congratulations to all who passed!
Monday, 17 August 2009
Image Gallery Updated
Feel free to visit the page and share your thoughts. Also, if anyone has additional pictures of our students in action, please share them with us.
Thank you for your continued support!
Sunday, 26 July 2009
Invitation to all KDA-UK Students
Hadley Stadium has served as a home for KDA Karate classes for over a year now. It's about time wegave something back.
We are inviting all KDA students to take part in a small training session this coming Saturday at the Top Gymnasium of Hadley Stadium. The class will start at 1:30 pm and finishes at 3:30pm.
Think of this as an oppurtunity for you to meet new people and experience what other classes are like.
If anyone is interested please inform us via email or via call or text.
Thank you very much for your continued support!
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Open English Kata Championships Results
We thank you for all the hard work and effort you have placed in this tournament and showing us an exemplary performance during the matches. Continue to practice and do your best so we can continue performing at the same high level that we always do. Congratulations to all!
Here are the results of the tournament.
Category 1 - Beginners to 8th kyu, 9 years old and under
1st place - Gian Gabayno
3rd place - Aldous Batac
3rd place - Jeiya Siapno
Category 2 - 7th to 5th kyu, 9 years old and under
1st place - Kenneth de Leon
3rd place - Khamis del Rosario
Category 4 - Beginners to 8th kyu, 10 to 11 years old
3rd place - Aycee Corpuz
Category 5 - 6th to 5th kyu, 10 to 11 years old
1st place - Darcie Raftery
2nd place - Augustus Sumilang
Category 6 - 4th kyu and above, 10 to 11 years old
1st place - Anthon Perez
3rd place - Aldrich Miguel
Category 7 - Beginners to 7th kyu, 12 to 15 years old
1st place - Maria Reline Otadoy
2nd place - Gedfree Gabayno
3rd place - Rahman Sahib
3rd place - Daphne Siapno
Category 12 - 3rd kyu and above, 16 to 18 years old
3rd place - Mary Tricia Perez
Category 17 - 2 person team kata, any grade, 11 years old and below
2nd place - Anthon Perez and Darcie Raftery
3rd place - Khamis del Rosario and Lyncelle Sumilang
Category 18 - 2 person team kata, any grade, 12 to 16 years old
3rd place - Brylle Siapno and Daphne Siapno
3rd place - Maria Reline Otadoy and Demi Everett
Category 18 - 2 person team kata, any grade, 17 years old and above
3rd place - Mary Tricia Perez and Harvey Perez
3rd place - Roger de Leon and Aldrich Miguel
Congratulations to all the members of the team and keep up the good work!
Pictures from the tournament will follow soon.
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Examination Results - 21/06/09
Purple 5 (5th kyu) to Purple 4 (4th kyu)
Aldrich Miguel
White (10th kyu) to Yellow (9th kyu)
Andres Baya
Maria Baya
Congratulations to all of you and keep training hard!
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Examination Results
Here are the list of the examinees who passed the exam.
Orange (8th kyu) to Green (7th kyu)
1. Jaypee Lim
2. KC de Leon
3. Jhon Santo
Congratulations to all of you who passed!
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Examination Results - May 3, 2009
Blue (5th kyu) to Purple 5 (5th kyu)
Augustos Sumilang
Lyncelle Valerie Sumilang
Henry del Rosario
Sean Locquiao
White (10th kyu) to Yellow (9th kyu)
Rahman Sahid
Demie Everitt
Jeremie Costales
Simran Calsi
Congratulations to all and keep practicing!
Advanced Training Sessions
Unlike regular classes, these training sessions aim to provide students with sufficient knowledge and skills that will help them in practices and future competitions. Unlike past training sessions, we will be focusing on KATA (form) as the tournament we are joining is a Kata Championship. Students can take this oppurtunity to learn more about the kata that they know and a chance to learn far more advanced Kata.
The training sessions will be held every Sunday at the Top Gymnasium of Hadley Stadium (please refer to club information for details) from 2pm until 5pm. It will be conducted by KDA-UK Chief Instructor Henry Perez assisted by three other blackbelts.
Please be informed that these sessions are open to KDA-UK coloured belts.
Monday, 20 April 2009
Gallery Update
International Shotokan Karate Federation - United Kingdom
KDA-UK instructors have attended a 3 day seminar and dan (level) examination starting from Friday until Sunday (17th - 19th of April 2009) held at Sobell Leisure Centre, Finsbury Park, London. The examiners for the exam were Tereyuki Okazaki-Sensei (10th dan) and Ahcene Moussaoui-Sensei (5th dan).
We would like to Congratulate sensei's Henry, Daryl, Harvey and Mary Tricia for passing the exam, showing to the examiners that KDA-UK is worthy of being a part of such a prestigious organisation recognised worldwide.
Also, we would like to extend our thanks to Okazaki-sensei for leading us and teaching us the true way of Karate just like how masters of the past have been doing it. Your words were very profound and enlightening. Ossu~
We like to thank our host, Moussaoui-sensei and the Sobell Karate Club, for being very welcoming, you have made us feel at home in your dojo. For that we would like to offer you our thanks as well.
Before I finish this article, I would like to share some words that Okazaki-sensei shared with us during the exam.
Friday, 17 April 2009
No Classes
Master Okazaki is one of the original students of Master Gichin Funakoshi, the founder of Shotokan Karate, and is the Chief Instructor of the International Shotokan Karate Federation (ISKF) in which KDA-UK is a part of.
(For more information about Master Okazaki, please visit the ISKF website)
Regular classes will resume the following Saturday, April 25, 2009.
Please make the necessary arrangements.
Thank you for your continued support,
KDA Blackbelts
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Examination Results
Green (7th kyu) to Blue (6th kyu)
Darcie Raftery
Liem Doan
Orange (8th kyu) to Green (7th kyu)
Bash Abdulluh
White (10th kyu) to Yellow (9th kyu)
Brylle Siapno
Daphne Siapno
Jeiya Siapno
Edchel Natividad
Edrae Natividad
Aldous Batac
Bon Sepida
Gavin Patulet
Luke Malumbre
Melvin Barrios
Congratulations to all who passed and keep up the good work.
Friday, 3 April 2009
Examination Venue
The address and map are located below.
The address to the location is:
Oldbury College of Sport
Pound Road, Oldbury
West Midlands B68 8NE
Thursday, 2 April 2009
Moving to a better facility
Starting this Saturday, April 4, 2009, our morning classes from 9am-11am will be moving to Saltley Leisure Centre. A map to the location is located below as well as the address. Please follow the directions and see you all on Saturday!
Saltley Leisure Centre
120 Broadway Avenue,Bordesley Green,Birmingham.B9 5YD
Saturday, 7 March 2009
EKO Karate Championships 2009
The team was lead by our chief instructor, Henry Perez and was assisted by assitant coaches Daryl, Harvey, Tricia Perez and Roger de Leon.
The results are as follows.
Male and female under 11 yrs old (4th kyu and below)
1) KC de Leon - Gold
2) Sean Locquiao - Silver
Male and female over 11 yrs & under 16 (4th kyu and below)
1) Darcie Raftery - Gold
Male and Female under 16 yrs old (3rd kyu and above)
1) Philippe Anthon Perez - Gold
Male 16 yrs old and over (4th kyu and below)
1) Roger de Leon - Gold
Male 16 yrs old and over (3rd kyu and above)
1) Harvey Perez
Team Kata under 16 years old (Any grade)
1) Team A (Philippe Anthon Perez, Aldrich Miguel, Darcie Raftery) - Gold
2) Team B (Augustos Sumilang, Henry del Rosario, Sean Locquiao) - Bronze
3) Team D (Maria Otadoy, Gedfree Gabayno, Eycee Corpuz) - Bronze
Team Kata 16 yrs old and over (Any grade)
1) Team A (Harvey Perez, Mary Perez, Roger de Leon) - Silver
Male over 10-15 yrs old, 4'9'' and under (Any Grade)
1)Philippe Anthon Perez - Silver
Congratulations to all the winners and participants!
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Important Announcement
Everyone is welcome to come and see your fellow students perform. The tournament starts at 9am and will end sometime around 5pm. The address for the venue is stated below.
Cocks Moors Woods Leisure Centre
Alcester Road South
Kings Heath
Birmingham B14 6ER
If anyone has concerns or some questions relating to the change in schedule and the tournament, feel free to contact us at 0121-5321326 or email us at
Monday, 23 February 2009
If you have noticed, we've changed the look of our website. We have incorporated the shotokan tiger into our site banner and, also, we have added two new pages to our website.
Please feel free to look at our Club Information page and or leave a message for us in our Guestbook.
We'll be adding more content to the site soon, so keep on visiting and see what will happen next.
~KDA admin
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Image Gallery Update
Pictures from the Central England Karate Championships and the UK Karate Open are now available for viewing.
Next set of image gallery updates will include the 2009 EKO Championships.
Exam Results - 22 Feb 2009
7th Kyu (Green) to 6th Kyu (Blue)
Roger de Leon
10th Kyu (White) to 9th Kyu (Yellow)
Maria Otadoy
Aycee Corpuz
Gedfree Gabayno
Gian Gabayno
Joshua Recido
Another batch of exams will be held next week at Hadley Stadium, March 1, 2009. To those who are taking part, please prepare your license and settle all your dues with your respective senseis.
Congratulations to all who passed and good luck to those who are taking the exam next week.
Saturday, 10 January 2009
Advanced Training
We will be holding extra training sessions for our advanced students to prepare them for the coming events. This is an oppurtunity for everyone to meet members from other clubs and to meet the other instructors in KDA-UK. The details are stated below.
Venue: Hadley Stadium, B66 4ND
Time: 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Please bring with your your complete kata and kumite gear.
Advanced Training will be supervised by Henry-sensei (Chief Instructor), Daryl-sensei (Kumite Coach) and Harvey-sensei (Kata Coach).
Top Gymnasium Hadley Stadium, Wilson Road, Smethwick, West Midlands B66 4ND
Contact us: 0121-5321326 from 2pm - 8pm , Mon - Fri, Email: