Monday, 26 July 2010

Exam Results April - July

Here are the list of people who have passed their exams during the last few months.

Imran Ahktar
Camran Ahktar
Demi Everett
Rehman Shah
Aldous Batac

Purple 5
Gedfree Gabayno
Gian Gabayno
Alexis Corpuz

Purple 4
Jhon Monsanto
Kenneth de Leon

Brown 3
Roger de Leon
Darcie Raftery
Liem Doan

Brown 2
Sean Locquiao
Henry del Rosario Jr.
Augustus Sumilang

Congratulations to all of you who have passed.

Note: KDA-UK will be changing its curriculum and kyu system to follow the standards of the International Shotokan Karate Federation. We will be shifting from the old 9 kyu system to the newly implemented 8 kyu system. Expect the changes to be implemented during the next few months.

Thank you all for your support.

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Pictures Uploaded

Pictures from the tournament last Sunday are now available for viewing in our Image Gallery.

If you have any pictures you wish to add to the gallery, please email them to us at

Thank you.

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Open English Kata Championships - 18/07/10

Last Sunday, July 18 2010, our club sent a team to the Open English Kata Championships held in Wolverhampton. Despite being few in number, it was a successful tournament all thanks to the brilliant performances of our students. We have managed to win a total of seven trophies - 3 have won first place and 4 others for second place.

We would like to congratulate all those who have participated and wish you luck in your future endeavours. Well done.

The result of the tournament are as follows.

Category 1 || Beginners (Under 8 years old)
2nd place - Luke Barrios

Category 2 || Beginners up to 8th kyu (8 to 10 years old)
2nd place - Shane Nugent

Category 6 || 7th to 4th kyu (10 to 11 years old)
2nd place - Sean Locquiao

Category 9 || 7th to 4th kyu (12 to 13 years old)
1st place - Darcie Raftery

Category 10 || 3rd kyu and above (12 to 13 years old)
1st palce - Anthon Perez

Category 11 || Beginners to 4th kyu (14 to 15 years old)
1st place - Gedfree Gabayno
2nd place - Demi Everett

Congratulations to all!

Pictures have been posted on our facebook page and will be uploaded here soon.

Next update will include all who have passed their exams from late April to July.

Thank you all.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Update - 13 July 2010

Hi everyone! We would like to apologise again for the lack of updates here on the website. I'd like to go through some information that most of you would like to know about what is going on with KDA-UK.

Student Examinations
Most students are undergoing preparation to take part in the grade examinations. These examinations will happen all throughout July and hopefully we will have a list up by the start of August.

List of examinees that have passed the exams for the months late-April until June will be posted here soon.

Curriculum Update
KDA-UK's teaching Curriculum is being standardised with that of the requirements set by the International Shotokan Karate Federation (ISKF). The changes are being made slowly so that there will be easy transition from the old lessons to the new ones.

Tournament Participation
Our club will be sending a team to the Open English Kata Championships in Wolverhampton this coming Sunday. We would like to wish all those participating the best of luck on the day!

The results for the previous tournament hasn't been posted yet but will be added soon.

Summer Schedule
Our club will be holding their regular classes this coming summer any additional or cancelled classes will be announced directly to the students.

Again, I'd like to apologise for the lack of content. But keep visiting the site to know more about our upcoming activities and news about our students.

Top Gymnasium Hadley Stadium, Wilson Road, Smethwick, West Midlands B66 4ND
Contact us: 0121-5321326 from 2pm - 8pm , Mon - Fri, Email: